Sony MediaSoftware What It Is 70s Analog Funk 24BiT WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)(CD2片裝)
Sony MediaSoftware What It Is 70s Analog Funk 24BiT WAV ACiD 英文正式版(音效素材)(CD2片裝)
Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友又有福了,在 BBS 很多同好跟 HoneR
建議多收藏一些 Sample CDs 與 LOOPs 音色取樣光碟的朋友,小弟沒讓你們失望
了吧,這套音色取樣的特色有著多變化的生成套件工具與 Loops 形態音色播放,
To arrive at the Sony Sound Series Premium Collection level, you need to
have it all?reat players tracked in a great studio, a wise producer at
the desk, and dead-accurate loop slicing on a 24-bit block. What It Is!
?0s Analog Funk makes the grade. Let start with the technology. Color
me vintage?4-track analog recordings, brothers and sisters. Total
saturation. Enough said. The producer and the studio? Mark Whitcomb and
4000 square feet of prime jam space filled with all the right toys. The
sounds? Sweet, funky music played live by seasoned pros who built a
nonstop idea mill and ran it for days to grind out the funky source
materials for this brand new bag. Mark and his crew pushed the VU meters
into the red zone and harnessed all the power of funk, thriving in its
native environment: vintage kit drums, electric basses and pianos, real
organ and clavinet, rhythm guitars, full horn section, congas, bongos and
assorted hand percussion, vocal shouts, and more. After the smoke cleared
in the control room, we applied our editing prowess to fold more than a
gigabyte of sounds into 15 session modules that?l put you on the fast
track to making the tightest, most authentic, most jammin?funk this side
of the Apollo. You say funk, we say What It Is!, in ACID software and your
choice of .wav-munching apps. Get on the good foot!