Tutsplus Marketplace Next Generation JavaScript With AMD And RequireJS 視頻教學 英文教學版
You know it, I know it: there’s no hiding that we both love JavaScript
more than almost anything. And we always want to get better at it.
This tutorial will make you better, by teaching you to use the asynchronous
module definition spec.
This tutorial is all about RequireJS, and how it works with the AMD
specification. We’ll learn all about how to create JavaScript modules
that comply with this spec, and how we can use RequireJS to load and
interact with these modules. Then, we’ll look at some of the other awesome
features of RequireJS.
You’re holding up your hands. You’re saying, “Wait, what? Asynchronous
what?” Relax, Skippy. You’ll learn it all with this in-depth, full-length
tutorial and 68 minute screencast.