Destroy All Software Season 02 視頻教學 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
Title Category Length
============================================ ================== ========
Composing a Unix Command Line Unix 8:56
Tar, Fork, and the Tar Pipe Unix 12:07
Coupling and Abstraction Coupling 9:38
Test Isolation and Refactoring Test Isolation 13:05
Spiking and Continuous Spiking Untested Code 9:39
Notes on Stubbing Stubs & Mocks 9:00
Controller Refactoring Demo Part 1 Rails Controllers 10:09
Controller Refactoring Demo Part 2 Rails Controllers 16:29
Extracting From Controller to Model Rails Controllers 13:15
Acceptance Tests Types of Tests 11:12
Extracting From Models Rails 14:55
Some Vim Tips Editors 14:11
History Spelunking With Unix Git 11:54
Performance of Different Test Sizes Types of Tests 10:49
Simple Bash Script Testing The Unix Shell 11:47
Splitting Into Fine Grained Tests TDD 9:12
Which Tests to Write Types of Tests 10:17
TDDing Spikes Away With Rebase Untested Code 10:33