Esri ArcGIS Desktop V8.2 正式版 (3CD)
Esri ArcGIS Desktop V8.2 正式版 For Win9x/2K<< Esri 家族‧高階分散式地理資訊系統軟體 >>(3CD)
Install for individual use
Check install license manager later
Do a typical install..
After install complete make a license dir where you installed it,
copy license.dat from /crack directory on CD1 to this directory.
Then, set a windows enviroment variable to ESRI_LICENSE_FILE=
ArcGIS 為 ESRI 最新的產品總稱,其間包含ArcGIS Desktop Software、
Datebase Gateway 與 GIS Web Server Sofeware三大部分;ArcGIS Desktop
Software 為一系列 GIS應用的組合,包括 ArcView、ArcEditor、ArcInfo、
ArcGIS Extension、MapObjects 、ArcPAD、NetEngine、ArcExplorer、ArcFM
等;Datebase Gateway指的是ArcSDE,當圖形資料量大到某一程度時,ArcSDE
讀進,故能大幅提升圖資讀取速度;GIS Web Server Sofeware則是指ArcIMS
,ArcIMS 提供高階分散式地理資訊系統架構的標準與網路製圖的服務,ArcIMS
ArcIMS提供一個可將Desktop local 的GIS 資料與網際網路上的GIS資料即時
CD1 ARCGIS Desktop
This cd contains the floating version of ArcView. It is the world's
most popular desktop GIS and mapping software, with more than 500,000
copies in use worldwide. ArcView provides data visualization, query,
analysis, and integration capabilities along with the ability to create
and edit geographic data.
ArcView 8.x maintains the base functionality of ArcView 3.x and adds a
host of improvements driven by user requests. New features include a
catalog for browsing and managing data, on-the-fly coordinate and datum
projection, metadata creation, customization with built-in VBA, new
editor tools, support for static annotation, enhanced cartographic
tools, direct access to Internet data, and much more.
ArcView 8.x is an exceptional stand-alone GIS as well as the entry point
to ArcGIS, an integrated and scalable family of GIS software products.
ArcGIS consists of ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, ArcIMS, and ArcSDE.
ArcGIS extends ArcView by providing multi-user editing, advanced
analysis, Internet services, and high performance spatial database
Also found on this cd is floating versions of ARCINFO and ARCEDITOR
CD2 Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports Version 8.5 for ESRI
Contains the Crystal Reports software product from Seagate Technology,
a series of comprehensive, advanced tools for generating tabular reports.
CD3 ArcGIS Digital Books and Sample Maps
This CD contains ArcGIS documentation in digital (PDF) format.
It also provides a collection of sample maps and data.